
Doreen Bunton

2s Class Teacher


Doreen attended Suffolk University in Boston for two years and has completed 90 hours of education-related coursework. She has a Creative Curriculum Certification.


Doreen started her teaching career in 2007 here at Cedar Lane Nursery School, back when her children were students in the school. Due to a relocation of her husband’s job, she moved to California and continued her passion of working with young children by teaching at La Costa Valley preschool in Carlsbad and at a private kindergarten. In 2014 her family was relocated back to Maryland and became the 2s teacher for Cedar Lane Nursery School.

Why I Do What I Do

When my family moved back to Maryland, I was THRILLED to find out there was an opening at Cedar Lane and I could come back to be a part of a school that I love and cherish! When I first started co-oping at Cedar Lane, I realized what a difference it made to my children and me to be a part of their growth and development in their preschool setting. I truly believe their success in Middle School and High School is because of their time at Cedar Lane.

My classroom is a safe place where children can explore, experience, learn, grow and have fun. I love to watch them as they move from anxious about separation…to quiet friendships…to parallel play, joining in circle time, singing, sharing and exploring the world with peers. It's wonderful to help and contribute to their growth from babies into confident toddlers and to see their relationships develop even as their individuality is preserved. I am thrilled to share these moments with them, with their parents, and with their peers. I look forward to each day when I can be with my little friends to share their joys, and help them with their not so happy days. Most of all, I love to see their happy faces as they learn, accomplish and grow. They truly light up my world!

My advice to new parents is: Enjoy this age as much as possible even though it can be challenging at times. It will be the time you miss the most as they grow!